Leone Rock Metal Group Wins Most Outstanding Mining Company in Africa

By: Richmond B Tholley

Leone Rock Metal Group was on Thursday 10th October 2024 awarded as the most Outstanding Mining Company in the continent of Africa.

"We are thrilled to announce that on the 10th October 2024, Leone Rock Metal Group has been recognized as the “Most Outstanding Mining Company in Africa” at the prestigious Africa Development Conference 2024," one of the company's Communication experts wrote on Facebook. 

This incredible achievement, according to Bashir Koroma is a testament to the dedication and commitment of the entire team, as well as the strong relationships the company has built with the operational communities and stakeholders through its CSR Projects.

As Africa’s leading mining company, this award reflects the company's focus on operational excellence, sustainability, and  positive impact on both the local economy and the mining industry across the continent.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been part of this journey.

"Together, we will continue to strive for even greater success," Bashir Koroma wrote.

Congratulations to the entire LRMG family!

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