Deputy Speaker Awards Standing Ovation to Northern Bureau Chief Hassan Bruz

Port Loko, Sierra Leone – 2nd September 2024 – In a rare moment of recognition, the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee and Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Sierra Leone, Hon. Tawer Conteh, awarded a standing ovation to Hassan Bruz, the Northern Bureau Chief of the Sierra Leone News Agency (SLENA) and a senior correspondent for the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC). This accolade was bestowed in acknowledgment of Bruz's unwavering dedication to journalism and his committed service to the people of Sierra Leone, particularly in Port Loko District.

The commendation took place at the Port Loko District Council Conference Hall during a session of the Parliamentary Committee on Public Accounts. The committee was holding hearings on accountability issues with local councils from the North West Region and other regions across the country that had previously been flagged for improper financial practices.

Hon. Tawer Conteh, who is also a veteran Member of Parliament, paused the proceedings to draw attention to Hassan Bruz’s exceptional work over the years. The Deputy Speaker highlighted Bruz’s significant contributions to promoting accountability and transparency through his journalism, particularly noting his consistent and thorough reporting.

"The manner in which Hassan Bruz compiles and reports his news materials from this part of the country is impressive and worthy of emulation by younger journalists," stated Hon. Conteh. He further urged the members of the local councils and everyone present to join him in applauding Bruz for his exemplary service to the nation.

The recognition turned the day into a momentous occasion for Hassan Bruz, who was visibly moved by the unexpected honour. Overwhelmed with emotion, Bruz expressed his deep appreciation, acknowledging the significance of the recognition coming from such a distinguished assembly.

"The Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee has truly made my day. It is unbelievable that this happened in the presence of such a distinguished gathering of Members of Parliament and esteemed stakeholders. I am immensely grateful to the Deputy Speaker, the honoured Members of Parliament, and all the distinguished ladies and gentlemen present," Bruz shared with a group of journalists following the event.

This recognition not only celebrates Bruz's professional achievements but also underscores the crucial role of journalism in upholding transparency and accountability in Sierra Leone.

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