How to search for your voter registration details using these three search techniques by ECSL



The Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone wishes to inform the general public
that they can now search for voter registration details using three search methods as follows:
1. By downloading the EC-SL Android Mobile app on Google Play Store:
2. By accessing the web portal on this URL:
3. By dialling *838# from any Africell line.
4. enter your voter ID number (7 digits) or Receipt Number (18 digits).
For Confirmed Registrants
1. with 12 digits confirmation number on their Voter Update Receipt, enter
the first 7 digits of that Confirmation number.
2. with 18 digits on their Voter Update Receipt, enter all 18 digits of the
Voter Update Receipt number.
For new registrants
1. enter the 18-digits Voter Update Receipt number.
Please contact the Help Desk on this toll-free line 838 provided for any inaccuracies or missing data about your voter registration details. Please have your voter ID number or receipt number from the voter registration exerciseready when you call for prompt action

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